Your Megaphonic hosts

Adam Clarke is a writer and retired comedian with an undying love for cult films, comic books, and a certain cow-town puppet show. His ravings have been published in Rue Morgue, Newfoundland Quarterly, and the Telegram.
His podcasts on Megaphonic include It’s Just A Show, A Part Of Our Scare-itage, And Thereby Hangs A Tale, and You’re Not Funny.

Alison Dennis is an artist, musician and crafter of memes who dabbles in comedy nerdery and can’t stop listening to podcasts. They enjoy writing songs about Portland-area transit centers and alienating friends and loved ones with too many obscure sketch comedy quotes.
They are a host of Waystar Corncob.

Beth Martin has eclectic tastes, which served her well when she was host of It’s Just a Show. Now she pops in and out of various podcasts at Megaphonic providing her two cents on life and culture. Sometimes that involves using her PhD in Victorian literature, but more often it seems to draw on her perplexingly deep knowledge of The Three Stooges.

Charlotte Wells is a tad overcommitted in an effort to help good things happen in her community. She is a teacher and believes in lots of opportunities to learn amazing things.
She hosts It’s Just A Show.

Chris Piuma does a little bit too much of everything: garbling words, designing shapes, creating images, making sounds—but mostly Chris tries to be helpy.
Chris is Megaphonic’s podmaster general, and hosts several shows, including The Spouter-Inn, It’s Just A Show, and Game Show 1939!

Emily Gushue Whalen is an archivist, historian, and reader. She is a mother of four (two cats, two kids), and has strong opinions about Star Trek and so-called “chick lit”.
She hosts Dear Reader.

Jared Pechaček is a Seattle-based artist and writer who sometimes yells about fashion on Twitter.
He hosts By-The-Bywater and Kitchen Party.

Lindsay Dennis is a software developer who previously worked as a tour guide, a pedicabber, a gardener, and a residential construction worker. In her spare time, she writes sketch comedy about menstruation, engages in all the fiber arts, and reads nonfiction about natural and manmade disasters, including the US Supreme Court.
She is a host of Waystar Corncob.

Michael Collins is the inverse of Kirby: he looks big and tough but he’s actually quite meek. He grew up on an imaginary island but he lives in Toronto nowadays. He left a PhD in literature to be a personal trainer, but he still writes and will continue to do smart person things until his synapses degrade. He’s gay as the day is long!
He’s the host of This Is Your Mixtape, a co-host on Dear Reader, and the scorekeeper on Game Show 1939! He also streams video games on Mikey From The Valley.

Nadia Halim lives in Toronto where she sells, reads, and tries to write books. She is happiest wandering around the city with friends, talking, exploring, and trying to determine whether various things we see are art or not.
She hosts Kitchen Party and Selected Works, and was the host of The Opposite of Lonely.

Ned Raggett blinks quizzically every so often. He works as well, but sometimes he does not, because rest is good. He writes a bit as he does, because he likes words. Maybe follow him on social media. It’s up to you.
He hosts By-The-Bywater.

Oriana Schwindt is a screenwriter and lapsed journalist who writes about tech dystopias and pirate queens. She re-reads the Tolkien legendarium every year.
She hosts By-The-Bywater and the (non-Megaphonic) podcast American Grift.

Sarah Chamberlain spends her days surrounded by stories, whether she’s working at the library, or enjoying leisure time with a book, movie, or game. Sometimes she writes stuff.
She hosts A Part Of Our Scare-itage.

S Frost is a software developer and comic writer who watches far too many films. They believe that discussing the more interesting movies in some way justifies this shameful misuse of their free time.
They host Fiasco Family Movie Night and its spin-off podcast, Hubrisween!

Spencer Green is an intermittent writer, researcher, and organizer from Texas. He is extremely passionate about fiction, film, horror, so many kinds of food, and weightlifting. He probably reads too much.
He is a host of Waystar Corncob.

Suzanne Conklin Akbari is professor of Medieval Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ. She loves to talk about books, both fiction and non-fiction, especially as they connect with art, film, museums, other books, and real life. Suzanne writes poetry that she doesn’t show to anyone, as well as academic books on subjects like optical theory, medieval maps, and travel literature. She’s a co-editor of the Norton Anthology of World Literature – and, more importantly, a host of The Spouter-Inn.

Tim Lehnerer is a file clerk with an honors degree in film studies. Sean asked him to co-host the podcast and he said yes before Sean was finished asking the question.
He hosts Fiasco Family Movie Night and its spin-off podcast, Hubrisween!

Theme Squad provides most of the music for Megaphonic podcasts. Their chilly instrumental album, You Have the Rest of Your Life, has also been used as background music for cubicle work, and their short album The Key to All Mythologies was inspired by The Spouter-Inn’s episode on Middlemarch.