Episode 17
June 5, 2019
Scanner Cop
a.k.a. Scanners IV
Hosted by Adam Clarke and Sarah Chamberlain
Did you know that not only were there were sequels to David Cronenberg’s Scanners, but that the CanCon horror classic inspired a spin-off series about a cop who can make your head explode? Heads aren’t the only thing that explode as Sarah and Adam gush about the cheesy glory of Scanner Cop.
![[Episode artwork]](/images/podcast/art/s/scare.png)
A Part Of Our Scare-itage Did you know that not only were there were sequels to David Cronenberg’s Scanners, but that the CanCon horror classic inspired a spin-off series about a cop who can make your head explode? Heads aren’t the only thing that explode as Sarah and Adam gush about the cheesy glory of Scanner Cop. More episodes
Show Notes.
We covered The Gate earlier this year.
Richard Lynch, one of the all-time great bad guy actors.
Obituary on Scanner Cop’s SFX wizard, the legendary John Carl Buechler.
Buechler discussing his Friday The 13th entry and his Jason redesign.
Ghoulies III: Ghoulies Go To College.
Was The X-Files’ “Wetwired” the inspiration for Scanner Cop?
A glimpse of what we’ll be discussing on our next full episode.
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