Episode 25
October 30, 2019
Hosted by Adam Clarke and Sarah Chamberlain
David Cronenberg’s Rabid was a deadly-serious film with an undeniably goofy premise at its core. What direction would Jen and Sylvia Soska take their new vision of Cronenberg’s story for their remake? At the risk of sounding like clickbait, the answer may surprise you. Also, if you want to be surprised by this new release, please note that this episode contains spoilers for the Soskas’ Rabid.
![[Episode artwork]](/images/podcast/art/s/scare.png)
A Part Of Our Scare-itage David Cronenberg’s Rabid was a deadly-serious film with an undeniably goofy premise at its core. What direction would Jen and Sylvia Soska take their new vision of Cronenberg’s story for their remake? At the risk of sounding like clickbait, the answer may surprise you. More episodes
Show Notes.
Films referenced in today’s episode that we’ve discussed previously on this show: David Cronenberg’s Rabid and The Soska Sisters’ American Mary.
The Deadites from Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead series.
A glimpse of what we’ll be watching in late November.
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