Episode 35
February 7, 2025
La Reine-garçon
Hosted by Chris Piuma with Michael Collins
Chris and Mikey see La Reine-garçon, a new opera about Queen Christina of Sweden. Or is that King Christina? Either way, she’s got a lot of irksome gentleman suitors, but she’s also got a favourite countess in her court. And she’s also brought René Descartes to Sweden? There’s a lot to talk about.
![[Episode artwork]](/images/podcast/art/s/scene.png)
The Scene of the Scene Chris and Mikey see a queer new opera about Queen Christina of Sweden. More episodes
Show Notes.
La Reine-garçon (composed by Julien Bilodeau, libretto by Michel Marc Bouchard) runs through the Febrauary 15 in Toronto.
Finally solved this: It premiered in Montreal last Febraury!
We saw Donizetti’s Roberto Devereaux long before we started this podcast!
And Roberto Bolaño is the Chilean writer. OK, I think that sorts out most of the mistakes?